Marvelous Life
I was an idealistic yuppie hard working, obedient and respectful. And I thought that a marvelous life is hard to achieve. To earn it you have to work hard to have a good pay to put food on your table, respectful to your office mates and obedient to immediate superiors. In short you have to do the simple mathematics of life.
And then one day I realized that to live this kind of life doesn't have to be hard, doesn't have to follow all sorts of norms and rules nor live up exactly to other people's standard and expectations. To live a marvelous life is simply switching and tweaking ones' thinking. That we don't have to wait for great things to happen to live a life so desired or wait for a life changing event to be categorized as marvelous. We simply have to wake up one morning and all the mornings of our lives and be grateful that we live to see another day, see the sun shine first from the direction of the east and not west, marvel at the dog moves in circles following its own tail forever, grateful to heat whistles of boiling water and smell the aroma of coffee and witness sunny-side-up egg sizzles.
There are plenty of things that we can marvel about we just have to have a "new pair of eyes". We can go elsewhere to find it but we can also choose to stay where we are right now.
Marvelous life for me means giving meaning on simple things, living life to the fullest, giving thanks for everything present and future, painful and helpful, struggles and challenges, disappointments and triumphs. Looking inside the box and not outside. Learn new things, do-it-yourself instead and discover how creative we could be, recreating trash to treasure. Simplifying things and make things less difficult for others.
If you are having a hard time living this kind of life now, you may be missing something. You may have missed to thank and give thanks. Live simply, be happy and live marvelously.
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